Malala: The Brave Pashtun GirlDo you want to read something depressing, but also inspiring at the same time? You can try this one. This is the 2nd book after Anne Frank…Sep 24, 2023Sep 24, 2023
Hari Senin dan Makna SuksesSenin itu hampir berlangsung seperti senin-senin biasanya, aku berangkat kerja, kerja di kantor, dan pulang ke rumah. Sampai saat aku…Dec 25, 2022Dec 25, 2022
Stoisisme: Tentang Kebahagiaan, Menjadi Solutif, dan Menghargai Waktu.filosofi yang relevan di sepanjang kehidupan.May 16, 2022May 16, 2022
Hari Kartini dan Sosok KartiniKita semua pasti pernah ngalamin lomba pakaian adat, lomba seni, ataupun lomba-lomba lainnya pas hari Kartini waktu sekolah dulu. Tapi…Feb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021
My 1st Book Review, Sapiens by Yuval Noah HarariOk, this is my first time reviewing a book. Before I jump to what I got from this book. I want tell the truth that I finished this book…Oct 31, 2020Oct 31, 2020